Charlie meets a fellow cancer patient named Kevin, who inspires Charlie to live life to the fullest, and he changes his behavior. Elsewhere, Claudia begins skipping school over being ignored by her siblings and because of Charlie's medical condition. Julia does not want to return to school following her miscarriage, and when she does, she feels awful and guilty. Although Coach Petrocelli does not think he is able, Bailey gets obsessed to win. Meanwhile, Julia and Griffin go to a marriage counselor after Julia announces that she has decided to enroll in college. Charlie dumps her, but when Emily gets back by giving Claudia a hard time in class, Jody asks her to reunite Charlie and Emily. Meanwhile, Will has a new girlfriend named Gina, who is really talkative and annoying, and he breaks up with her because Bailey does not like her. Sarah and Julia are writing about their family dramas and Justin decides to write about Julia's pregnancy, which makes her really furious. She goes to church after 15 years of absence and it makes her think about her life. Julia finally sees that Griffin comes from an abused home; Griffin's father is a Major in the U.S. Army who yells and beats Griffin every day and has zero tolerance for insolence or loafing. The Salinger family tries to solve Bailey's drinking problem. Five San Franciscan siblings find themselves orphaned after their parents are hit and killed by a drunk-driver, and must pull together to a true family unit. Julia and Griffin's relationship worsens over their separate work schedules and Griffin's continuing bad luck with running the garage. Claudia does not like Griffin, so he tries to win her heart. Elsewhere, Charlie tries to be a better father for Owen, and the baby says "Dad" to Charlie. Julia, angry with Charlie, moves to Sam's so she would not have to listen to him. Callie asks Bailey to move into her room. Claudia asks Mrs. Gideon not to split them up. After thinking about it, the rest of siblings agree and decide to move on and let go of their past for good. Bailey faces a very difficult computer test and finds cheating as the only way out. Meanwhile, a discontented Daphne returns to town with baby Diana. Afterwards, Martin tells Charlie that Bailey might have a drinking problem, but Charlie still refuses to accept that idea, even though everybody else thinks so too. In Massachusetts, Claudia tries to reach out to her family, but Daphne keeps on dodging her phone calls until Claudia starts to be worried. She tries to have Kirsten return to the family, but Kirsten tells her that she has to move on. Julia wants to help, but he does not accept her apology or her money to pay the fine. Although she has a good heart and remains close with her family, she finds . Party of Five is an American television teen and family drama created by Christopher Keyser and Amy Lippman that originally aired on Fox for six seasons from September 12, 1994 to May 3, 2000. Claudia tries to put the members of the band back together, so she tries to become friends with Cody, the guitarist. In 1996 it was the surprise winner of the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama, making it one of the lowest rated shows ever to win the award. Elsewhere, Claudia becomes more tired of Jody and her boyfriend, so they split up. Griffin continues to keep the truth about his financial problems from Julia and decides to borrow a lot of money from a "business associate" named Howie. She tells Kirsten that Gene discovered about an old affair of hers, and Kirsten would not forgive her until she forgives Charlie. Julia spends all her time dating Josh and after a talk with Perry, she realizes just how much she needs some time alone. Charlie thinks it is all Sam's fault for influencing her. Also, Charlie tells Claudia she should try to be Grace's friend, so Claudia offers to volunteer at her program, but that does not last long. Meanwhile, Charlie does not want to rush things with Grace, but the more they try to slow it down, the more they want to be together, so they sleep together. Party of Five follows the five Acosta children -- Emilio, Lucia, Beto, Valentina and baby Rafael -- as they navigate daily life struggles to survive as a family unit after their parents are suddenly deported to Mexico. Julia is accepted in Stanford, but is not sure she wants to go. One by one, they all try to show Bailey that he has a serious drinking problem. Also, Julia lies to Justin in order to spend time with the loner outcast Griffin. She wants to raise them, but Paul does not like children so much. Charlie and Bailey decide to increase production of the furniture assembly line sales when a big client offers a generous fee. Young Claudia pawns her violin and announces that she'd rather be a regular kid than a child prodigy. Jake is missing during a business trip, and Bailey worries about him never returning. Bailey is sober for a week. They all try to get Bailey into an AA program, but he refuses claiming that alcoholism is a part of who he is, and he openly states he would rather die than seek treatment. Her well-meaning interference causes problems for the Salinger siblings. He is waiting for her in the altar, but she never shows up. Meanwhile, Will plays matchmaker for Bailey, who is still grieving over the death of Jill, by trying to set him up on a date with school friend Sarah Reeves. Julia tells her how much their mother hated him for abandoning her and their grandmother. In response, Sarah tells Callie that she does not want to get back with Bailey because she's dating someone new. The authorities find and return Bailey's jeep (but stripped of several parts including all four tires), and shortly afterwards, he decides to live in a dorm to meet people and move on with his life. She and Charlie are forced to decide between a premature birth or Daphne dying from liver failure. Charlie decides to take Claudia with him to Mexico by using his two worthless honeymoon tickets. This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 17:17. He has to deal with his pregnant girlfriend's abortion, where he meets Kirsten for the first time working as a medical consultant at an abortion clinic. Bailey decides to solve the situation with Sarah by buying an engagement ring. Cooper convinces Bailey to take easy classes so he can make good grades and have time to have fun. Julia advises Allison not to run away from her problems. Charlie realizes that Daphne is not really bonding with their daughter. Julia assures Walter that she can forgive him for killing their parents. 1. Elsewhere, Claudia wants her relationship with Byron to be just like Julia and Griffin's, but Byron is more interested in Julia than in her. She tells him that she will marry Michael the next week. Social Services is sending Jody to live with her divorced father far away. All of Charlie's dates turn out to be a disaster. Party of Five: Created by Christopher Keyser, Amy Lippman. Elsewhere, Grace decides to run for city council and makes the Salingers's house her campaign headquarters. But Charlie learns more about owning it when he must come up with some collateral for a bank to give him a loan. Griffin decides to buy the repair shop. Elsewhere, Justin shows up for a visit, and Julia paints a nice picture inspired by him. Bailey continues dating Holly. Party of Five is an American television teen and family drama created by Christopher Keyser and Amy Lippman that originally aired on Fox for six seasons from September 12, 1994, to May 3, 2000. Claudia tries to find their lost grandfather. Charlie quits his job after his boss says 'no' to his projects, but when they talk, he gets his job back. Now that she knows the truth about their financial problems, Julia starts working on resolving the problem with Griffin after they are evicted from their apartment and move in the shed next to the Salinger house. He tries to get on the college hockey team, but he's not in good shape, so he gets invited to join the wrestling team, which is the worst at the college and his coach, Mr. Petrocelli, is too lenient on the team. Six months prior to the show's start, her parents were killed in a car accident and was left to be raised by her eldest brother, Charlie. Julia gets Bailey a job with Sam at another construction site after seeing how short on money that Bailey has. Alec offers her pot, and she turns it down. What a Drag. Joe suffers a heart attack and Charlie takes over management of Salingers. Meanwhile, Adam arrives back in San Francisco and asks Julia to join him and his artist friends living at a camp in Mexico. Julia is surprised to find out that Justin is dating her bookish friend Libby Dwyer. Bailey goes to a bar and almost drinks, but meets a woman named Tracy, who turns out to be married. Bailey has a full plate to deal when he starts drinking again and then discovers money missing from the restaurant, learning that Joe is responsible. Bailey leaves without saying a word. Charlie tells Kirsten he loves her and will be there for her. Claudia calls him and tells a story about Owen falling down the stairs. Charlie goes to a lawyer to ask about parental rights, and Daphne returns to the Salinger house when her new living situation becomes unbearable. Bailey has unromantic plans to attend a Monster Truck Rally, and Sarah does not like it. Also, Kirsten's family wants her to return home to Chicago. Meanwhile, Reed finally tells Claudia the hard truth to convince her that he is not her boyfriend and that he is not interested in her. Callie goes to Sarah and tries to find out why Sarah is helping Bailey so much. Forced to shoulder professional and parenting responsibilities for which they are ill-equipped, the siblings must grow up quickly. Meanwhile, Sarah is mad at Bailey because he did not tell her about his college plans by planning to move away to college to start his life over. Charlie wonders if Grace really wants to be there. Meanwhile, Charlie becomes troubled when he refuses to let Claudia eat junk food and grounds her, takes away the television and does not give Bill, the nanny, a raise. But when Adam notes to Julia that Justin and Laura lack a link between them, Julia tries to tell Justin not to get married, which alienates both him and Laura. Still in the hospital, Charlie asks Kirsten if he can leave Claudia and Owen to her if he dies. Joe decides to sell the restaurant, so the family buys it, because Bailey is ready to manage it. Also, Julia wins an award for her writing, but her siblings are humiliated by what she wrote about them. Bailey at first refuses to believe Charlie's suspicions, but after confronting Jill, realizes it is true. Julia invites Ned to the house for Thanksgiving Day. Bailey asks Kirsten to help them when Mrs. Gideon visits again, and they all act as a perfect happy family to her. Ostracized by everybody he knows, Charlie is forced to ask Jake for help to find a way to stop the restaurant from going out of business. They spend the night together and end up having sex. Finally, Charlie visits Walter to have a casual talk about moving on. It is Valentine's Day. At Grant High School, Sarah, Julia and Justin are seniors competing for a writing competition that gives a college spot. Bailey and Sarah both go crazy babysitting Natalie while Annie is in rehab. Party of Five is an American television teen and family drama created by Christopher Keyser and Amy Lippman that originally aired on Fox for six seasons from September 12, 1994, to May 3, 2000. Julia gets a new job as a museum curator and her new boss, Daniel (guest star. Bailey, alienated with his family, wants to spend Christmas all by himself, but Coach Petrocelli does not let him and instead asks Bailey over to his place to watch wrestling on TV, where they bond by talking about Bailey's dead parents and Petrocelli's failed marriage and a daughter who never calls or writes. Julia continues to mistakingly think that Griffin's lackadaisical attitude and his inability to express any emotion stems from indifference, similar to Julia's own over her parents deaths. Party of Five is an American teen drama television series that aired on Fox for six seasons, from September 12, 1994, until May 3, 2000. Julia rediscovers the academic world in a college literature class that she takes. Both Evvie's sponsor and Holly blames Bailey for this turn of events. At the end, Claudia's birthday wish comes true. Charlie is angry and frustrated because Kirsten is gone from his life.