By: Stephen Hanselman The English language has done a great disservice to two of ancient philosophy's greatest schoolsStoicism and Epicureanism. Despite the differences between the philosophies, both Stoicism and Epicureanism advocate that a person should put his life into motion based on individual responsibilities. Their view of death is that living organisms decompose into their constituent atoms and nothing more. Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. In the case of Christianity, you have a god that demands perfection, knowing that humans are now incapable of obeying his every whim. The Stoics teach us that its important to think positively and to have faith in ourselves. The Epicurean has discerned objective moral values but cannot ground them as objective in the face of the psychopath because of a naturalistic world view. Making fun at Christianity was deemed blasphemous and resulted in severe punishment. The notion of blood sacrifice is a barbaric idea, invented when man was in a far more primitive state. Both schools of thought believe in pursuing a life that is in harmony with nature and time. Death, however, is not to be feared because although we will experience dying, we do not experience our deaths as we are not conscious. When we learn to do this, we will be much happier. 20. p.75 n.1 A clear statement of the points of resemblance and of contrast in the teaching of Stoicism and Christianity may be found in Fisher, The Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief, pp. History. The triumph of Christianity in the late Roman and early medieval period effectively subdued Epicureanism until the Renaissance, when Greek philosophy and culture revived somewhat. Epicureanism: the ancient philosophy that won't go away Andrew Petiprin December 12, 2019 at 12:00 am How to Be an Epicurean By Catherine Wilson Basic Books, 304pp, 30/$30 "Our starting point. Epicurus (c. 341-271 BC) was a Greek philosopher who believed that our ultimate truths come from what we experience, not what we think. It's usually dated to the death of Alexander the Great. Young-earth creationism, which denies biological evolution, natural selection, and the true age of the universe and the earth, is still a very prominent belief. Beginning more than 1,000 years ago, the Viking Age was a time of religious change across Scandinavia. These are just some of the important principles that we need to learn in order to live a better life in a world that is full of hardships and tragedies. They believed that life was about. that pleasure is the end and aim, we do not mean the pleasures of the prodigal or the pleasures of sensuality. Mindfulness is about living in the moment. We do not have control over the entire universe, so we shouldnt dwell on things we have no control over. An epicurean on the other hand focuses on having a good time through friendship, food, wine and other material pleasures of life. It is a promise for the present, for everlasting life begins the moment a person is born again and is a potential infinite that stretches through and beyond his/her death. But by world standards, it is the norm. Those who hope to negotiate civil compromises to our societys major moral disagreements search in vain for middle ground or common ground on which we can all gather. However, the psychopath problem reveals a serious problem with Epicureanism. Epicurus (341-271 B.C.) Stoic philosophers recommend then, trying to be indifferent to all non-essential elements in life, including pain. But Epicureans argue that this life is all we have and so according to Wood, Epicurean politics and economics would aim for the protection and pleasure of all in the here and now, a principle far superior in managing the political, economic and health crises of the present age than the obsession with free markets, unequal capital acquisition and consumer output that is burning up our planet. Equally, the Islamic Society at Exeter University raises a lot of money for charity. Its key elements are an unflinching refusal to believe that spiritual entities designed, created or control the world combined with the conviction that death and irreversible decomposition into material atoms is the end for each living being. People today tend to think it represents ultimate, decadent . One of the best ways to attain pleasure is to avoid pain, and the best way to do that is to live an easy life free from the hassles of life: We must therefore not [crave] for anything that is absent, for so we shall be less likely to miss it. I am not inherently good so am I worthy? Relationship between Epicureans, Stoics, & Christians. The sketch below describes, first, Epicureanism and its antithetical relation to Christianity; then how, historically, Epicureanism came to form the modern outlook and even to influence Christianity itself; and finally, the contours of the moral debate between the Christian and the Epicurean today. 2023 In the argument of psychological hedonism, here implied, the Epicurean holds that human beings as a matter of fact do take satisfaction in pleasure and decry pain, and he argues then to an egoistic ethical hedonism that identifies the (objective) good with pleasure. He was always getting at the Pharisees who were keeping to the rules and rituals of their religion as if their lives with depended on it. Epicurus employs the atomistic materialism of Democritus, not because he has empirical evidence that it is true but because it fits his ethical goal of freedom from disturbance. Either, God is incapable of stopping evil. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mindbydesign_io-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mindbydesign_io-large-leaderboard-2-0');The stoic is not worried about life and death but trying to make his life have more meaning, while the Epicurean is living a short and easy life. What is The Difference Between Leadership and Motivation? His materialism led him to a general attack on superstition and divine intervention. Such philanthropy is hard to explain if the present is of no consequence. Such a prospect is comforting for those struggling with lifes pains. If anyone is reading this, do not hold to false ideas that God, who is all powerful can not help you. Benjamin D. Wiker is a Tutor at Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California. Epicureans believe that pleasure (and not wisdom) is the most important thing in life. Thanks for putting it so clear. A late Christian friend of mine spends her life looking after children, volunteering to help the elderly, and participating in the church choir and band. . 4. Why should he not be allowed to pursue his passion of killing? Epicureanism is stated in its founding document as a philosophy that teaches people to seek "pleasure and freedom from pain." In contrast to Stoicism, Epicureanism sees the goal of life as living a pleasurable life, one filled with friends, sensual pleasures (like eating) and material comfort. The Epicurean could appeal to the fact that murder is an illicit pleasure as it causes the victims pain. Wood declares that Epicureans avoid suffering through making judicious choices. Solomon, who is traditionally held to be the author of Proverbs, wrote this: My son, let them not depart from your eyes-keep sound wisdom and discretion; so they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck. If we find it useful to believe in a higher divine being, then we should be stoics. He called his treatises dialogismoi, or conversations. Since the utility of the doctrines lay in their application, he summarized them in stoicheia, or elementary propositions, to be memorized. Finally, the Epicurean could appeal to the psychopaths sense of self-preservation: if he attempts to kidnap and murder someone, he might end up being killed by his victim who reaches for her gun first. For example, stoics believe they can find peace and happiness by relying on their inner self. Born in 341 BCE, only six years after Plato's death, Epicurus came of age at a good time to achieve influence. The former is a materialist philosophy, claiming that nothing exists beyond the empirical realm that humans can know about. Learning how to let go and move on is a very important step in the stoic life and if we can master this, we will be much more successful than those who allow themselves to get caught up in the small things of life.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mindbydesign_io-leader-2','ezslot_14',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mindbydesign_io-leader-2-0'); For many people in todays world, there is such a pressure on them to meet other peoples expectations and goals. Due to its small size, Judaism has never established a continental sphere of influence, the way . I was brought up as a Christian and was taught that Christianity came with moral and ethical rules of conduct, kindness and generosity. In a broad sense, it is a system of ethics embracing every conception or form of life that can be traced to the principles of his philosophy. What is clear is that many people are brave in the face of death, even when they are convinced it is the end of them. We can never expect to be perfect, so theres no point in apologising every time we arent. The struggle in faith is this and this alone, if I am lacking and in need, do I believe God is able to help me? Stoicism is a philosophy about the dichotomy between things we can control and those we cant. In the face of adversity, we should not succumb to pain, fear or stress. They had managed to build themselves up to be strong and confident adults who knew how to live their own lives without being bogged down by external pressures or expectations. But of all things let us beware of disappointing ourselves.. In ethics, the basic concepts are the identification of good with pleasure and of the supreme good and ultimate end with the absence of pain from the body and the soula limit beyond which pleasure does not grow but changes; the reduction of every human relation to the principle of utility, which finds its highest expression in friendship, in which it is at the same time surmounted; and, in accordance with this end, the limitation of all desire and the practice of the virtues, from which pleasure is inseparable, and a withdrawn and quiet life. God himself took pleasure in what he had made because he saw that it was very good (Genesis 1:31). . Like Stoicism, it emerged during chaotic times, and offered a security and peace that could lead to happiness. . His subject areas include philosophy, law, social science, politics, political theory, and some areas of religion. Smith's Bible Dictionary thus defines them: "The Stoics and Epicureans, who are mentioned together in Acts 17:28, represent the two opposite schools of practical philosophy which survived the fall of higher speculation in Greece. Epicureanism is a philosophy which stresses the importance of 'training one's desires'. You barely even mention those ethics throughout this post. As the contemporary Epicurean is an atheist and post-Darwin, she is committed to the theories of evolution and natural selection as the origins of humanity. Its unfortunate that someone with so little understanding about Jesus and the faith of HIS disciples offers so much about it. Every day we can choose to be an Epicurean or a Stoic, taking what we find useful from both philosophies. Christianity, on the other hand, presents humans as intrinsically valuable because humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), a maximal being who possesses maximum value. As we do not think not existing before we were born a terrible thing, so we ought not to think that our non-existence after death is a terrible thing. Intellectual pleasures were available also. As for aspects that have turned you off, they have given me a lot of questions too, and I am still looking for answers. On the contrary, Christian belief is about the restoration of friendship with God and each other and the restoration of the natural world made possible by the atoning death of God the Son incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth and his resurrection (John 3:16; Romans 8:19-21). We are certainly highly flawed, and Christians have done an excellent job of pointing out that despite our advances in science and technology, we are not necessarily becoming more moral. These are the things we should learn to let go of. Gain knowledge, be better, etc. Its about accepting that you are, Read More Mindset vs Mindfulness: What is the differenceContinue, Understanding the difference between leadership and motivation is the key to leading and motivating your team members. He also holds a certificate in apologetics from Biola University. Maybe they were ill-tempered, or even violent. The Stoics tell us that we should never feel bad for being different from other people. Epicurus (341-271 B.C.) To them, the world is perceived as hostile, and their beliefs (which are, from their point of view,) the only riight beliefs. The fight is not complex but simple, can you accept your need for help, can you trust God can help, do you want to be helped? . The worst aspect of the blood sacrifice doctrine is its effects on children. This belief was not in the beginning the result of positive teaching. For Epicureans, Christian theology is imbalanced and the Christian mind morbid in contrast to Epicureanisms healthy embrace of pleasure and avoidance of pain. Maybe, the protagonists find it difficult to tolerate uncertainty and paradox. There not that extreme. Finally, university research into near death and after death experiences suggest that consciousness is more than brain function. Even some Christians and Epicureans may not be clear about it. Even at A level, my mum was sceptical of me taking a philosophy course because it may cause me to turn away from God. The answer to this question might seem obvious since there is remarkable agreement over what causes pleasure and suffering, the desirability of pleasure and the undesirability of suffering and the need to make sagacious choices if we are to flourish. An epicure is one who is extremely choice and delicate in his viands. The story is a long and complex one, but utterly fascinating at the same time. For example, the Old Testament makes it clear that the righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern (Proverb 29:7). Basically, the complex question fallacy occurs when someone presents a statement or claim and then asks a question that presupposes either all or part of what, Read More What is the complex question fallacy?Continue, Youre interested in learning about the law of attraction and how to boost your manifestation habits. Another one of my Modern Philosophy posts. A stoic will try to live a life free from distraction, pain, and fear by thinking about things they have no control over. Being extinct may not be a problem to the inexistent one, but it is the anticipation of being inexistent that is so painful to the existent one. By luck I have found a reference to a book on Epicureanism and early Christianity (it's quite interesting to myself because I am currently reading DeWitt's "St. Paul and Epicurus". The Stoic school was founded by Zeno of Citium (cir. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mindbydesign_io-leader-3','ezslot_18',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mindbydesign_io-leader-3-0');When comparing the two philosophies together, I find it interesting that both epicureans and stoics are looking to take a step back from the troubles of life. While the Epicurean worries that he may not be remembered after death. One of the great losses in Christian modernity is that first Deism, and then Epicureanism itself, have eaten away at our worldview to the point where many have tried to reassert Christian truth but within a split-level world, with a 'god' who is normally, or even permanently, out of the picture. What Epicureanism means? Many people have lost sight of the fact that they are living a life of their own, free from outside influences and expectations. by taking away the yearning after immortality. This was a despicable way to raise children, one which I couldnt possibly regret more. By Both philosophies agree that we should do this in order to live a better life. What then can Epicureanism say to the psychopath who sees pleasure and pain differently to the rest of us? They recommend that individuals not believe in supernatural forces or divine beings. But as they chanted so I believed. Several fundamental concepts characterize the philosophy of Epicurus. Each human finds toothache painful and so will try to avoid it through good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups if those things are available, and will advise others to do the same so they can avoid this pain. Epicureanism taught that the highest state a person could attain was ataraxia absolute peaceand aponia complete absence of mental, emotional, and physical distress or need. fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures; having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating and drinking. But you dont know where to start. I became a Christian at 40 years of age. Me: goes to find an article focused on epicurean ethics and how it interacted with Christianity to create monasteries and other concepts of friendship within the Christian religion. Whether we are interested in understanding Epicurean philosophy or want to learn how to live a better life, this website is full of information on the topic. The full theological and existential implications of this history-dividing event of everlasting consequences are still being understood. After his death, Epicureanism was a major philosophy until the rise of Christianity. Your email address will not be published. through the prism of love,rather than fear, there is love joy and peace as promised. They then take action towards the things they can control, and they accept the rest. For I reflected on this word, I enquired what it meant. Its about being aware of yourself, your surroundings, and your moods. Being brave can also reduce pain. Scholars have identified the first as coming from the Cretica of the pre-Socratic philosopher-poet Epimenides ( fl. The Epicurean has discerned objective moral values but cannot ground them as objective in the face of the psychopath because of a naturalistic world view. A stoic is supposed to be free from fear and not be bothered by things that are outside of his personal control, like whether or not he is going to die today. was first and foremost .